This past Friday, RCSE had Reverend Father Guillermo Arboleda talk to our club about JUST (Justice Unites Savannah Together). Before Guillermo began his presentation, Bill Von Alt gave an update on the RCSE Night Out at the Ghosts Pirates game as well as an update on the GRSP selection for a student for this upcoming school year (2024-2025). Once all Rotary business items were discussed, Kim Campbell introduced our speaker.
JUST is a network of congregations in the Savannah area that gather together to advocate for positive social justice in our community. Some of the issues they have tackled are affordable housing and literacy in public schools. There are about 20 congregations in town that are members of JUST and any congregation is invited to join. They meet once a year to pick a topic that they would like to address. Father Guillermo stated that we really aren't that different. Most people agree on the larger picture and that is what they focus on. To learn more about JUST, please visit https://justsav.org/home