This past Friday, RCSE had a wonderful storyteller in Billy Sorochak who talked to us about the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire. Before Billy spoke, President Andrew Cosey presented Past President Jason Jones with a gavel as a token of appreciation for serving as President of RCSE for the 2022-2023 year. Once all business items were discussed, Katie Gingrich introduced Billy.
Billy began his presentation by telling the story of how Ronald McDonald House started in 1974 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Now, there are now 387 houses worldwide helping families whose children have illnesses. The house in Savannah has been here for 36 years, has 13 bedrooms, and five full time staff. They provide everything a family might need - housing, food, internet, laundry, etc. 70% of the families that stay in the house in Savannah have newborns at the hospital. The Ronald McDonald House is 176 steps from the entrance to Memorial Hospital. They ask for a $10 donation per night stayed per family. However, all services are free. Families are able to stay in the house for as long as their child is critical.
Besides providing housing, they also have two family rooms at Candler and Memorial where parents and family members can hang out during the day. They have a hospitality cart that goes around to the children's rooms twice a week offering puzzles, snacks, games, toys and books. The hospitality cart was started in 2022 and has served over 9000 families. There are 60 McDonald's in the Low Country that help support the house. They also raise money through fundraisers, grants and donations from Wishlist Wednesday. Volunteers cook dinner for the families each evening. RCSE is scheduled to cook this upcoming Monday, August 14. If you would like to volunteer or donate to Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire, please visit their website at