It was a great day to be at The Pirates House since District Governor Mike Muldowney was visiting! Catie Wohlust received her Blue Badge - congratulations Katie! After President Karl Bohnstedt reminded the membership of the America's Second Harvest service project, the field trip to the Sheriff's Complex, and the Golfing For Goodness' Sake fundraiser with South and West, John Petrillo from South introduced DG Mike Muldowney.
DG Mike Muldowney began by applauding RCSE for it's leadership within Rotary as well as being active in Savannah. He then shared Rotary's Vision Statement: "Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves." He then highlighted two ways the district is living out the Vision Statement. The first is with CART - Coins for Alzheimer's Research Trust. Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. CART started in South Carolina and last year, $1 million dollars was distributed among five research organizations. These companies are looking at existing medicines on the market that do not have an approval for Alzheimer's but could have a great effect on slowing down the disease. His second was the $83,000 in district grants that was given to the clubs this past year and how clubs are putting that money to good use. Along with the district grants, our district has been active in helping farmers in Puerto Rico and disaster relief for the Bahamas. In conclusion, DG Mike Muldowney reminded everyone that Rotary is about helping out and serving others and he encouraged RCSE to continue to do service projects.