It was another wonderful day for a Rotary meeting. President Laura Lane McKinnon announced that the Service Project committee has recently purchased several hundred Thanksgiving cards and we’ll be partnering with the Meals on Wheels program of Senior Citizens, Inc. to distribute the cards to homebound and isolated seniors the week of Thanksgiving. She is asking each RCSE member to take at least one packet of 12 Thanksgiving cards and to handwrite a positive and uplifting message in each one. The packets of cards will be at our meetings from now until November. After all Rotary business items were discussed, Assistant District Governor Sam Eskew introduced our speaker for the day, District Governor Ed Presnell.
Ed Presnell started by saying the Rotary theme for the year is "Serve to Change Lives." One little thing can impact thousands. He used our service project at P.A.C.K. and our upcoming service project with Thanksgiving cards as an example of how RCSE is doing just that.
Ed feels it is an honor and privilege to be a Rotarian and to be a Paul Harris Fellow. He is encouraging all the clubs in District 6920 to be a 100% Paul Harris club. Currently, there are around 2800 Rotarian's in District 6920. Attendance is improving at all the clubs so he is happy that the district is trending in the right direction. Opportunity is there to grow and he believes RCSE is poised to grow since we are such a diverse club. He concluded his talk saying "fun is the most important discipline of all!"