The Happy Dollars were flowing this past week at RCSE!  It was great that so many members had such wonderful and positive news to share.  In honor of Polio Day on October 24th, Gordon Matthews gave a brief presentation on his time in India administering polio vaccines.  After all business items were discussed, Laura Lane McKinnon introduced our speaker for the day - Henry Duggan.  
Henry is an author and spoke to the club about his new historical fiction book, Savannah on Fire 1820.  In his book, an arson investigator comes to Savannah in order to determine the cause of the fire that started in a barn and swept through half the city.  He joked that the key to a good novel is to keep the hero in trouble!  His book has adventure, mystery, love and a happy ending.  Henry then spoke briefly about life during the early 1800's and what people did for fun such as duels and cock fighting.  Henry decided to write a novel based in the early 1800's because there are very few historical fiction books written about this time period.  Henry's books may be purchased on Amazon.