President Laura Lane McKinnon opened the meeting by thanking all those who were able to attend the RCSE October Social at Bow Tie BBQ.  A fun time was had by all who attended!  After all business items were discussed, Erin Wessling spoke to the club about Give Change That Counts which is a campaign initiative aimed at reducing panhandling in our area.  
Erin defined panhandling as a solicitation of money or food in a public place.  Although we might feel good when we donate to panhandlers, it does not help the problem and many times the funds may not be used for well-intentioned purposes.  One of the campaign goals for Give Change That Count is to establish and support day centers through the area that provide safe havens and resource centers for those in need.  The day centers will provide a place for people to go during the day to improve their quality of life and give them access to resources they currently don't have.  Savannah does not have a day center.  Erin said it costs $10,000 a year to start and operate one.  There are many ways we can engage and help.  We can make donations and help with business collaborations.  The police department has been a great supporter of the program and they are looking for more support from larger entities.  If you would like to donate, you can text TXT2GIVE to 912-200-8753.