If you were unable to attend the meeting this past Friday, you missed a good one!  RCSE had a visiting Rotarian whose husband, John, had just biked across the United States in order to raise money for The Rotary Foundation's mission to end polio.  To learn more about John's journey, you can visit his website at bikeaccrossamerica2017.wordpress.com.  RCSE also welcomed two new members - Will Reyes and Padraic Roberston!  And the club had a visiting Rotarian from California who has relocated to Savannah and is looking for a new club. Hopefully, he will choose to join the "fun club" of Savannah!  After all business items were discussed, the club was treated to a talk by Dr. Russell Clark with Georgia Tech.      
Dr. Russell Clark is a professor at Georgia Tech and helps provide professional and continuing education to those living in the coastal area.  He specializes in the Internet of Things (IOT) which equates to the internet of everything.  He said that IOT is a marketing term put on a number of items which are used to connect a lot of things together and to ensure things stay connected.  The internet has become bigger because of the amount of money in the business world.  By 2020, there will be 34 billion devices around the globe connected to the internet.  Technology is now cheaper and last longer than it did a few years ago.  If you think about it, the smart phone has only been available for around 10 years and look how much it has evolved in such a short amount of time.  Dr. Clark says that we can apply technology to help create smarter cities.  An example would be analyzing bus routes to make them more efficient or using technology to track coastal flooding.  Precise real time data equates to meaningful data.