This past Friday saw the club meeting in the Anne Bonney Room at The Pirates House. Even though it is a little bit more cozy than our normal meeting space, a good time was had by all. President Cindy Kelley announced to the club that RCSE was able to donate $494 to Social Apostolate of Savannah through the money raised from Fines, Raffle and Happy during 1st quarter of this year! The recipient for 2nd quarter will be Community in Schools so be sure to bring your money. After all Rotary Business items were discussed, John Petrillo from Rotary South introduced our speaker - District Governor Margaret Jacobs.
Margaret began by commending RCSE for the $215,000 the club has donated to The Rotary Foundation over the years. 50% of those funds are given back to the district and are being put to good use. Margaret talked about the work being done helping farmers in Puerto Rico, a hospital in Zanzibar, clean drinking water in Uganda and Haiti, polio drops for children in India, and many other projects that are funded due to our giving to The Rotary Foundation. Rotary helps make things happen around the world.
Here in District 6920, money is being used to encourage students in entrepreneurship, getting medicines to free clinics, and tiny houses for homeless veterans. Margaret also talked about the RI conference she attended in Toronto. Many of the speakers spoke about literary and education and how literary will make the world safer. She concluded by saying that you must take time for yourself so you are able to give back to others and encouraged everyone to be open to change.