June 2, 2017 - Meeting Recap
It was great to see so many faces at the meeting on Friday. The meeting started with Ed Donoghue presenting Jeff Heeder, Peter Paolucci, and Sandy Sherrill with Paul Harris Fellow +1 pins - congrats everyone! In lieu of a speaker, Cindy Kelley conducted an exercise meant to help members get to know one another better.
Cindy asked for two volunteers who were then asked the same two questions. Once the volunteers answered the questions, then they would chose members to take their place and Cindy would ask two different questions. Nine groups of two members were able to participate in the exercise. Some of the highlights were:
Ed Hissam went sky diving in New Zealand after college.
Ben Brewer was a walk on place kicker on the Ole Miss football team for one year.
If given anywhere between $1-$5 million, Eric Meyerhoff would donate the money and Gordon Matthews would build bike trails all over Savannah.
Mel Mrochinski was listening to the Beatles and was wearing a costume from King Lear in 1975.
Jonathan Porter and Laura Lane McKinnon both agreed they would rather be invisible than have the power to read minds.
When asked to share a word of wisdom, Donna Murley said that everyone brings joy into your life - some while coming and some while going!