It was a wonderful ending to the month of January with many happy dollars and a new member initiation! Welcome to RCSE, Kate! President Mark Sprosty reminded members of the upcoming February 7th meeting at The Learning Center and of the RCSE Annual Oyster Roast on Saturday, February 22nd. Once all Rotary business items were complete, Kim Campbell and Cheri Dean introduced our speakers for the day - Kate Templeton and Julie Wade with Tharros Place.
Kate and Julie started the presentation by saying that Chatham County ranks #6 of 159 counties in Georgia for reported cases of sex trafficking in minors. Tharros Place was opened in December 2023 as a 12 bed residential facility for minors who have been trafficked. They strive to cultivate a culture of courage for the survivors of human trafficking. Currently, there are 22 people on staff. A few of the staff positions are a residential director who runs the facility, a case manager who works with the girls on health, education, goals, interests as well as an education coordinator to help with online school. They also have life skill workshops and a Teen Board which gives suggestions on regular teen experiences for the residents.
Some of the challenges Tharros Place faces are staff retention, successful discharges, and funding. They are highly funded through federal grants. We can help by suggesting outreach opportunities for members of our community to be educated about sex trafficking and by volunteering either as a mentor, a life skills coach, or a tutor. To learn more about Tharros Place, please visit https://www.tharrosplace.com/