This week, RCSE was lucky to hear for one of our own members, Tonya Hillis!  Before Tonya presented, President Mark Sprosty reminded everyone of our January service project, Read United, on Friday, January 24.  Once all Rotary business items were discussed, Tonya began her presentation on Advanced Directives. 
Tonya said an advanced directive is a living document meant to help you decide what kind of death you want to experience.  The Critical Conditions Planning Guide helps form your advanced directive.  Communication is key when filling out these forms.  You need to decide who you want to be in the conversation and be your health care advocate.  Anyone can be your advocate other than your doctor.  You also must have a witness when you sign your advanced directive.  Changes can be made at anytime and Tonya recommends that you have it on file at hospitals as well as have copies with you.  Tonya walked us through her experience of filling out an advanced directive with her mother.  When your loved ones have an advanced directive, you do not have to make any decisions.  All you have to do is implement what they want.  
Finally, Tonya spoke about a POLST form which is a form completed between a doctor and a patient.  This helps clarify the advanced directive if there are any questions.  A POLST form is good to have if you think you will pass away within the next 5-10 years or you have a terminal illness.  Thank you Tonya for presenting about this difficult topic and for bringing copies of forms for all our members!