This past Friday, we moved our meeting to SEDA and had a presentation by Michael Messer. President Mark Sprosty thanked everyone who was able to attend the RCSE Holiday Social at Andrew Cosey's house who donated a gift to CASA. Due to your generosity, Andrew delivered over 50 gifts to CASA the following day! Read United will be on Friday, January 24th. If you would like to sign up to read at a local elementary school, please use the following link Once all Rotary business items were discussed, Cheri Dean introduced Michael Messer who is the founder of Discerning Strategies, LLC.
Michael began his presentation by talking about how uncertainty effects us in many different ways. How we respond to life's challenges comes down to our mental fitness and having a positive rather than a negative mindset. He then talked about negative emotions (saboteurs) and positive emotions (sage powers). He said a sage perspective on life is being able to look at every outcome or circumstance and how it can be turned into a gift and opportunity.
When you are in a situation with negative emotions, take a moment and stop. He said when you stop, you need to do PQ reps which are are 10 second exercises that help build mental fitness and strength your self command. These reps help quiet your saboteur emotions and activate your sage powers. Michael lead us through some PQ reps so we could experience it for ourselves! Once that is complete, try and assume the sage perspective that every problem can be converted into a gift. With these steps, we can overcome challenges in easy mode!